Products guide

Are you looking for a gift for the men in your life? Its no easy task. 😕 

choosing from our men’s gift is the perfect solution đŸ˜đŸ’«âœš 

for more #information, ask me to help🙋 

#gift #shavingcream #aftershave #SHAMPOO #nightcream #daycream #nuskin #epoch


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If you consider yourself to be happy, positive and responsible who like to be independent and want to start own business by internet #marketing? 

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Shave & aftershave balm


You will enjoy a smooth, close, comfortable shave with #Everglide. It offers a smooth, close, comfortable shave. This rich, lubricating lather cushions skin against the #harsh effects of everyday shaving with #mullein, a botanical that grows in the #Southwest. 


Same Routine. More Benefits. Stubble
 before you even put the razor down, it has started growing back. Does this sound familiar?

Well, by using Dividends Aftershave Balm this need not be the case.

This lightweight balm makes facial hair softer, finer and less noticeable, making your shave last through to the next morning.đŸ˜œ 

If you want to order, #contact me here or @Twitter @Israa_8

#nuskin #epoch #shave #aftershave #balm #smooth #comfortable #softer # finer #botanical #lightweight #order


Aquapop, tre enkla steg! 

NU SKINÂź AQUAPOPℱ TOWELETTESDe Ă€r #ultramjuka och kan anvĂ€ndas för överlĂ€gsen #rengöring efter en #ageLOC-behandling, för att ta bort #makeup eller nĂ€r du bara vill tvĂ€tta #hĂ€nderna. De efterlĂ€mnar en #frĂ€sch #kĂ€nsla i #huden. đŸ’«đŸ’– #pma om ni vill #bestĂ€lla 🙋


Den perfekta plutmunnen 

#makeup #trend #2015 💄#lĂ€ppstift #plutmunnen #REPLENISHING #LIPSTICK#Nu #ColourÂź Replenishing Lipstick – förbĂ€ttrar dina lĂ€ppar med en #rik #fĂ€rg som inte sprids ut och som ger ett ökat skydd i form av hydroxityrosol – nyckelingrediensen i Celltrex Ultra Recovery Fluid..


Makeup guide 

#körsbĂ€rslĂ€ppar 💋#makeup #trend #2015

COLOURÂź REPLENISHING LIPSTICK #VĂ„rda dina lĂ€ppar och fĂ„ ett vackrare leende. Nu Colour Replenishing Lipstick förstĂ€rker lĂ€pparnas utseende med en rik, hĂ„llbar fĂ€rg och ger dessutom skydd i form av #hydroxytyrosol, huvudingrediensen i Celltrex Ultra.

Denna #patenterade ingrediens Ă€r en kraftfull #antioxidant som förser vĂ€vnaderna med #nĂ€ring och ger dig slĂ€ta, #ungdomliga lĂ€ppar. Om ni vill #bestĂ€lla #pma mig 🙋